Tuesday, April 13, 2010


In order to start this second pass, first I addressed the changes suggested by my mentor: mainly pushing some poses and changing the timing at some places...but the biggest change my mentor commented on was changing the camera angle.

The reason for that is, when I finished the last shot, the magician was standing on screen left and the ball was on screen right. So, if we start the next shot with that flipped, the audience might get confused.

There's a rule about this called "the 180 degree rule". It's quite simple: draw an imaginary line from one character to the other and keep the camera on one of the sides only. By doing this, you keep the characters clearly on their sides and even if one walks over to the other's side, it's clear what's going on. So you avoid confusing the viewers.

Ok, I'm explaining this rule in a very superficial way. For further explanations check out this link. It has a really nice thorough explanation about the rule – and when to break it.

Changing the camera angle certainly made me go back to the poses, so they worked well for this new view. Here's the new blocking:

After making the corrections, I started splining – getting the curves in the graph editor out of stepped mode and into splines. So now the transitions are smoother. The ball has only been roughly animated, because I wanted to focus on animating Stewie. Here's the result:

And since I'm showing you the progress of this shot, you might be interested in this really cool link showing the different stages of some great animations:

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