Friday, July 16, 2010

cool video - How to break into animation

This is a great video from a speech by Steve Hickner - Dreamworks Director/Producer. Here are a few things he talks about:

  •  you may not be the smartest/talented, but if you're disciplined and stick to stuff until you get it, it pays off.
  •  another thing that counts a lot is attitude - animation is a very collaborative process, so that counts a lot, you need people that can contribute with optimism and great attitude
  •  if you want to get into the business, you have to take the iniciative and do stuff nobody else would do
  •  he tells some funny and inspirational stories, like the guy that found out where the sound people got their pizza - he wanted to work at a sound place in hollywood - and got a job at the pizza place at night, so he'd deliver the pizza to them. And after a while delivering he told the guys he wanted to work there and he got hired! Gotta think outside the box :-)
  •  you need to watch movies to get better, everyone is influenced by other people's work, the best people are.
  •  never turn down a combat might lead to a great place (even if it doesn't look like that)! He did's great to see him tell his story.

Ok, I'll stop with the bullets, just watch it, it's worth it and he's fun to watch :-) Very inspiring and motivating!

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